MAJOR Supreme Court CHANGES Will be Announced Soon by Biden
For a number of years, the Democrats have been yelling about the Supreme Court. They have attempted to stage scandals, paint decisions taken by the conservative majority as anti-democratic, and overall behave as though they are two-year-olds who are being refused a cookie before supper.
But the reason for their outbursts is clear: they have been losing. Those who are far less excited about “transforming America” and far more interested in preserving what’s left of our republic have taken up their favored method of upending American society—the unelected justices of the Supreme Court.
To all the hand-wringing on the left, Joe Biden has an answer: fundamentally change the nature of the Supreme Court.
Increasing the number of sitting justices on the court would be the simplest way to cram it full with radical left judges. Congress approval is a minor issue in addition to the redesigning of the Supreme Court building’s hearing room to accommodate additional seats. The left’s wild fantasy of adding justices to the Supreme Court will persist as long as Republicans prevent the Democrats from gaining a supermajority in Congress.
However, Biden also has other proposals that would fundamentally transform the nature of the court. The Supreme Court would become subordinate to the legislative branch under an ethics code that Congress enforces. Furthermore, giving justices term limits is just another tactic Democrats employ to seize control of the court and utilize it to further their own agendas.
Rich friends are not permitted for justices, and presidents will be held responsible for the actions of their supporters acting on their behalf. It’s unbelievable that the left has lost its mind since the meticulously planned utopia it was creating is crumbling piece by piece.
I don’t want to make the announcement too soon, but I’m going to launch a significant push to limit the Supreme Court, and I’m going to need your assistance with it. .. “I need some assistance, as I’ve been working with constitutional scholars for the past three months,” Biden stated in a call to the Progressive Caucus on Saturday, according to a transcript that the Washington Post was able to obtain.
There is no possibility that this campaign pledge will be enacted. To the extremist left, however, who can only dream of using the Supreme Court to force its agenda down the throats of Americans, it sounds quite good.