Chris Sununu Says Other Governors Can’t Stand Two Governors, Mentions Them

New Hampshire Gov. Chris Sununu said this week that two governors in the country are not liked even though many of the governors get along with each other.

Sununu made the comments on Thursday during the Reagan Institute Summit on Education in Washington, D.C. Asked by moderator Fred Ryan how he thinks governors can play a bigger role in the development of the U.S., Sununu suggested leading by example.

“And I think, look, almost all the governors get along. I mean, in my eight years, I can honestly tell you there’s really only been two, maybe a third, but two real governors that really nobody liked, nobody cared for [them],” he stated.

Pressed on the identity of the two governors other governors do not like, Sununu mentioned former New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo and California Gov. Gavin Newsom.

“Yeah, Andrew Cuomo — complete jacka**, no one likes him. And I gotta be honest, no one cares for Gavin. Gavin is just a pr*ck, excuse me. He just is, it’s really disappointing. I got along with him. All of us got along with him for a while, but even the Democrats, they won’t tell you out loud, but behind closed doors, they’re like ‘Oh God, look who’s coming.’ You know, they all roll their eyes,” he stated.

Sununu also said during the event that he has positive relationships with Democratic New Jersey Gov. Chris Murphy and Democratic Oregon Gov. Tina Kotek.

According to the New Hampshire governor, Murphy has an “amazing sense of humor” and Kotek is “a wonderful person.”