Cotton Says He Is Open To Being Trump’s VP

Sen. Tom Cotton (R-AR) is open to being former President Donald Trump’s vice presidential running mate. The Arkansas lawmaker signaled his willingness to fill the role during a Sunday interview on NBC News’ “Meet The Press” with guest host Peter Alexander, who asked him about the matter.

“You are reportedly on Donald Trump’s short list of possible running mates. Would you accept if Donald Trump asked you?” Alexander stated.

In response, Cotton said, “Well, Peter, Donald Trump’s going to make this choice. I suspect only he knows who’s on his short list.”

Asked if he would accept the job if Trump makes the offer, Cotton stated, “Peter, any great patriot, if offered a chance to serve our country by the president, would have to consider it seriously. But what I’m focused on, like the president, is making sure that we win this election in November, and I want to help him govern successfully to restore the peace and prosperity that he brought to America for four years that Joe Biden has destroyed.”

He, however, said he has not had any discussion with Trump or his campaign regarding who the Republican presidential candidate will select as his running mate.

At another point during the interview, Cotton blasted Trump’s conviction on multiple felony counts regarding falsification of business records. Voicing his disagreement with the Manhattan jury’s verdict, which came in on Thursday, Cotton stated, “A jury can only act within the constraints that a judge puts on it, and this case was rigged from the very beginning. You had Alvin Bragg, who campaigned on getting Donald Trump. You had the judge, who’s a literal Biden donor, and at every turn he ruled in favor of the prosecution. But as Donald Trump said, the real verdict is going to come on Election Day, and it’s going to come from the American people.”

Cotton then asserted that the presiding judge, Juan Merchan, allowed evidence that was “highly, highly inflammatory and prejudicial” and also did not allow Trump to present certain evidence and witnesses.

“He never even insisted the prosecution reveal the alleged underlying crime for which Donald Trump supposedly covered up in – in bookkeeping entries. At every turn the judge put his finger on the scales, practically forcing the jury to find – to reach this outcome,” the lawmaker noted, going on to call Trump “an innocent man who did nothing wrong.”

According to him, “there’s no question Donald Trump should win on appeal.”