Governor Willing To Drive Even More Razor Wire To Texas

South Dakota Gov. Kristi Noem promised this week to drive in razor wire to Texas herself if the state’s Gov. Greg Abbott is hindered from remaining in control of a park in Eagle Pass which has been a high-traffic arcade for illegal migrants.

Speaking to Fox News, Noem defended Abbott’s efforts to secure Texas’ border with Mexico, praising his decision to stand firm on his border security efforts even after the U.S. Supreme Court ruled in favor of the Biden administration and gave U.S. border patrol authority to cut through the concertina wire Texas officials installed along the border near Eagle Pass.

By doing so, the court vacated a previous order by the 5th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals that prevented federal agents from accessing the park.

But in defense of Abbott, Noem said, “I’ll drive in more razor wire from South Dakota if I have to, for [Abbott] to do his job.”

Emphasizing the importance of the situation, Noem added, “What people forget is that governors are commanders-in-chief. We’re responsible for the men and women of our National Guard. It’s a heavy responsibility that weighs on our shoulders, and so we never engage our National Guard soldiers and those men and women unless it’s incredibly important.”

Despite being hundreds of miles away from Mexico, Noem said she declared the border “a war zone” a long time ago and has deployed some of her state’s guards over there to help keep things together.

Criticizing President Joe Biden for his lax handling of the border situation, she added, “[Biden] is so out of touch. He is remaking this country. We will be Europe within a year or two if we allow President Biden to continue this invasion of our country. Over 6 million people have come here illegally. It is time to stand our ground, and we’ll be down there standing shoulder-to-shoulder with Gov. Abbott.”

Speaking to Sean Hannity, Noem further revealed that she would be traveling to the border on Friday.

“This is about our Constitution,” she said. “This is about us standing united… I’m going to be at the border tomorrow to tell the Texas National Guard that we’re not only with them, that we have continued to be with them for the last several years. South Dakota has deployed our National Guard to support them and stand alongside them three separate times. ’m so proud of what Texas is doing to defend itself. We’ll be right there beside them. We’ll do everything we can to make sure that this invasion stops.”

Noem’s support for Texas and Abbott comes as she and 24 other Republican governors, including Iowa Gov. Kim Reynolds, Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis, Ohio Gov. Mike DeWine, Georgia Gov. Brian Kemp and North Dakota Gov. Doug Burgum signed a letter in support of the state’s efforts to secure its border.