Mother Accuses State Of ‘Murder’ As Legislation Threatens Parental Rights

A grieving mother has come forward, accusing the State of California of the unimaginable act of “murder” against her daughter. The murder, Abigail Martinez says, was not of guns or any lethal weapon but through the push of gender ideology.

The allegations arise as state legislators consider a bill that could potentially strip parents of custody rights if they refuse to affirm their minor children’s chosen gender identity.

During a recent Senate hearing, Martinez addressed legislators and shared the heart-wrenching story of her daughter Yaeli Mozelle Galdame’s death, attributing it to gender ideology.

According to Martinez, Galdamez tragically took her own life in September 2019, three years after Child Protective Services removed her from her mother’s care for refusing to affirm her newly-adopted identity as a male.

According to the Daily Mail, Abigail recounted the painful series of events, stating, “CPS took my daughter when she was 16 years old. It was helped by her public school counselor and LGBTQ group and another trans-identified girl,” she revealed.

“My daughter was taken from her loving home because the state of California claims I was abusive for not affirming her trans identity. I lost my daughter over a name and pronouns,” she added.

Speaking to Daily Mail last year, Martinez revealed that Los Angeles County school failed to treat her daughter’s depression. Instead, the school had encouraged the young girl to opt for cross-gender hormones and gender reassignment surgery.

“The school was telling her to go to these LGBT groups behind my back. She went from questioning her sexuality to her gender,” she alleged.

When the concerned mother found out about her daughter’s decision to transition and kicked against it, an abuse claim came in and the school counselor recommended that Galdamez was better off not living with her parents.

Although the abuse claim against Martinez was eventually dropped, the damage had already been done as Galdamez could no longer bear the mental and physical pain she endured. In September 2019, she knelt down in front of a train, ending her own life.

Martinez’s story emerged at a time when AB 957, a bill co-authored by Assemblymember Lori Wilson (D-CA) and State Sen. Scott Wiener (D-CA), is advancing through the state legislature. The bill raises genuine concerns as it grants judges the authority to consider a parent’s refusal to affirm their child’s chosen gender identity as a factor in their rulings for custody.

The vague language regarding the extent to which courts may consider a parent’s noncompliance in custody decisions leaves many worried about an erosion of parental rights and the potential harm that can be inflicted upon vulnerable minors.